Asians Not Impressed with Brand Marketing/Advertising Outreach

Horowitz Research findings from FOCUS Asian: State of Consumer Engagement 2022 study reveals that only 34% of Asian consumers feel that they are seeing more brands going out of their way to market and advertise to their community. They are much less likely than their Black (45%) and Latinx (44%) counterparts to feel this way. … Read more


The Human Rights Foundation and its agency TAXI (a VMLY&R company) won the Best in Show award in the 2022 ANA Multicultural Excellence Awards competition for the campaign “Uncomfortable Truth.” The campaign informed consumers that their fashion purchases could be unknowingly funding forced labor practices in China and provided shoppers with tools that would help … Read more

AM/FM Radio Still Dominates when Reaching U.S. Hispanics, Offers Unmatched Value to Advertisers [REPORT]

A new analysis from Nielsen looks at the rapidly evolving and expanding audio media landscape, inclusive of terrestrial (AM/FM) radio, streaming audio platforms and podcasting. While the increased enthusiasm and listenership of the newer digital audio formats have consumed much of the marketing and advertising industry’s attention, the findings show AM/FM radio still dominates the … Read more

Why bad strategy is a ‘social contagion’

By Yuval Atsmon Author and academic Richard Rumelt explains how to develop strategies that aim to solve problems rather than simply state ambitions. Business leaders often misunderstand the actual meaning of strategy, Richard Rumelt argues in his new book, The Crux: How Leaders Become Strategists (Public Affairs, May 2022). In this episode of the Inside … Read more

Radios or Mobile Devices? – U.S. Audio Consumption By Age

Two weeks ago we talked about the significant milestone that was revealed through our Share of Ear® data: More audio is now consumed in the U.S. through mobile devices than through traditional radio receivers. Today we break down that data a bit and look at how different age groups consume audio through a mobile device … Read more

Macro-economic outlook for brands in the era of uncertainty

by Nick Waters, Chief Executive Officer Last week, we invited Ian Whittaker, the founder of Liberty Sky Advisors and a specialist city analyst in the media and marketing technology sectors, to share his take on the macro-economic outlook – for the global economy, for consumer behaviour, and for advertisers – in a webinar chaired by … Read more

Inclusive marketing is just better marketing

Inclusive marketing isn’t just a sideline or a charity project, it’s just better marketing, says Jerry Daykin, Vice-President, Global Media at Beam Suntory, and WFA’s Global Diversity Ambassador. His book, Inclusive Marketing: Why Representation Matters to Your Customers and Your Brand is out now. As a WFA Diversity Ambassador, I’ve had the pleasure of hearing … Read more

Let’s talk about streaming and engaging the Latino audience

The impact and influence of the Hispanic audience in the U.S. on media content and platforms is undeniable, particularly on streaming. Over the past year, streaming has become the predominant way all people watch television. In July, for example, streaming claimed its biggest share of TV time (34.8%) to date. Among Hispanic audiences, however, the … Read more

How to build brands that resonate

By Jamie Moldafsky, chief marketing and communications officer The term “brand” is often bandied about and rarely defined. It can be tied to reputation, value propositions or culture—but Jeff Bezos coined one great definition: “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Simply put, your brand is how people … Read more

How We Talk About the Outlook for Ad Agencies Matters

By Mark Duval – The Duval Partnership There were quite a few studies published recently about the outlook for agencies, and last week it seemed like the industry publications ran with them all at once. I may have read one too many negative projections, and the cumulative effect was a little deflating. And it could … Read more

How US consumer behavior is changing: Insights for CPG companies [VIDEO]

With inflation at record highs and consumer sentiment at record lows, consumer-packaged-goods companies need to sharpen their brands’ value propositions and invest in innovation. US consumers are noticing higher prices when they shop, and they’re not feeling too optimistic about their financial future—but they haven’t stopped spending. That’s good news for consumer-packaged-goods (CPG) manufacturers. Still, … Read more

ZUBI’S Isabella Sanchez named New Chair of the Hispanic Marketing Council

The Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) announced Isabella Sanchez, Vice President of Media Integration at Zubi will serve as its new chair effective today. Sanchez, who previously served as HMC Treasurer, takes the helm from GroupM Multicultural President Gonzalo Del Fa. Elected as the new treasurer is Gian Pablo Kates, VP of Network Sales at Telemundo. … Read more

Hispanic Marketing Industry Evolution (Part II)

By Isaac Mizrahi / Co-President ALMA Agency Following up on last month’s reflection on the things that have changed and the ones that have stayed the same in Hispanic marketing over the past two decades, I invited three leaders from the media side of our industry. First, Claudia Puig, President and General Manager of Univision … Read more

The Age of Inclusive Intelligence [REPORT]

As the network designed for what’s next, dentsu shares what 30,000 consumers and 20 experts expect in the next decade. Before the global pandemic brought the world to a standstill, we began charting the long-term consumer trends that would shape the next decade. Little did we know how quickly that analysis would be challenged. Now, … Read more

“EMBRACE THE COLLECTIVE” Hispanic Digital Purchase Behaviors

Adsmovil releases the results of a new study: “Embrace the Collective”: The Hispanic Digital Purchase Journey. The study offers new insights into the online behavior of this diverse and dynamic community and unveils a wealth of previously uncovered consumer insights around the Hispanic market across acculturation levels and age cohorts, including Millennials, Generation X, and … Read more

US holiday shopping 2022: ’Tis the season to be (cautiously) optimistic

Despite continued economic uncertainty, US shoppers are looking forward to spending for the holidays. Retailers that offer good value will come out on top. As the weather cools and the air turns crisp, US retailers are once again facing challenges for the holiday-shopping season. The past couple of years saw severe, systemic supply chain disruptions … Read more

State of the Hispanic Consumer 2022 [REPORT]

Hispanics in the US epitomize the nation’s status as a “melting pot.” The number of Hispanic Americans grows each year, and their keystone role in our culture does as well. Within this group, a rich variety of trends emerge and observers must be careful not to paint Hispanics with too broad a brush. In order … Read more

2022 U.S. Hispanics [REPORT]

Global communications consulting firm LLYC and national polling firm Expedition Strategies joined forces to research and provide insights into the over 62 million U.S. Hispanics, who represent one in five Americans. As this community continues to grow, U.S. businesses must learn more about their unique culture, behaviors, and purchasing preferences to successfully serve this population. … Read more

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