What Hispanic and Latinx Business Owners Need Right Now [REPORT]

The Aspen Institute reports that if Hispanic business owners were provided the resources to scale at the same rate as white-owned businesses, “an estimated $1.47 trillion dollars could be added to the economy.” What additional challenges are these owners facing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how can we all help? Hello Alice decided to take a look at those questions in a new report titled “The Impact of COVID-19 on Hispanic & Latinx Business Owners.”  

A Playbook for Scaling Latino-Owned Businesses [REPORT]

Latinos make up the fastest growing share of entrepreneurs in this country, creating new businesses at multiples the rate of other groups, and contributing more than $700 billion in sales to the economy each year.  But, of the approximately 4.65 million Latino-owned businesses (LOBs) in the United States, only three percent of those have scaled; that is, reached $1 million or more in revenue annually.

Consumers expect All Brands to provide Wellness Offerings [REPORT]

In 2020, 77% of people say wellness is very or extremely important to them. Yet, consumers are still hungry for more: Hungry for more wellness—80% of people want to improve their wellness; Hungry and expecting—75% feel brands could do more for their wellness; Hungry and frustrated—only 46% feel that brands take their wellness as a priority.


2020 is not only a critical turning-point year because of a pandemic, racial and social movements, or an election, 2020 also marks the first time the 0 to 17-year-old segment—or any generation, for that matter—is a multicultural majority. Building on more than 20,500 consumer touchpoints to date, the Culture Marketing Council: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing (CMC) released the first part of a comprehensive study on Gen Z (ages 13 to 17), IT’S TIME: Ready (or Not) for the Multicultural Majority.

Context is critical

Advertisers are realizing anew that where their ad appears is just as important as what the ad says.

2020 RIAA Mid-Year Latin Music Revenue Statistics [REPORT]

In the first half of 2020, revenues from Latin music in the U.S. grew 18.6% to $296.1 million at retail value, the fourth consecutive year of double digit percentage growth. Latin music continued to grow its share of overall U.S. music revenues to 5.2%.

How Streaming Enablement in 2020 Has Changed the Media Landscape [VIDEO]

In looking at how streaming video consumption has grown this year, Easter Sunday stands out as the peak streaming day that Nielsen has ever measured. From there, especially as stay-at-home orders eased and warmer weather came around, total media usage began to normalize. That doesn’t mean, however, that media consumption today looks like what it did before March, especially when you look at the video streaming space. In fact, Brian Fuhrer, SVP, Product Strategy at Nielsen, says the streaming enablement that took place during the stay-at-home periods was like multiple holiday enablement periods all at once.

The News Trust Halo: How Advertising in News Benefits Brands [REPORT]

Never has trusted news been more important in our society. Over the past year we have seen significant growth in news consumption as we increasingly rely on news to keep us safe, connected, and informed. The IAB study sought to understand the brand impact of advertising in the news.

The Power of a Modern Marketing Reset [REPORT]

This report corroborates the demise of the Total Market approach, a marketing process that short-changed Multicultural & Inclusive Marketing growth, and resetting marketing as we have known it.

Marketing Organization Survey 2020 [REPORT]

Marketing organizations must adapt to the rapidly changing world. The Gartner Marketing Organization Survey 2020 provides marketing leaders with the latest insights to optimize their organizational structure, transform their existing project management approach using agile marketing practices.

CMOs to agencies: ‘rip up the scope of work’

Whether it is a sports streaming service or a home goods manufacturer, client businesses have been completely transformed in the past few months. Chief marketers now want, and need, their agency partners to transform with them.

Celebrating Latina Women: Las Super Shoppers

Young, diverse, busy, empowered, and family-centered, Latinas are one of the fastest-growing segments among the U.S. population and will represent more than 20% of U.S. women by 2024. They are responsible for more than a trillion dollars of household spend, yet less than 3.6% of U.S. ad spending is invested on them. Are you ready to earn these super shoppers’ business?

Women in the Workplace 2020

In a year marked by crisis and uncertainty, corporate America is at a crossroads. The choices companies make today will have consequences on gender equality for decades to come.

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