Beyond Double Jeopardy: the missing dimensions of brand building

In marketing, Double Jeopardy refers to the relationship between brand size and repeat purchase, whereby penetration and repeat purchase rates are correlated. The bigger the brand is, the more repeat purchasers it will have, which puts small brands at a double disadvantage. But just knowing this fact does not tell you why the pattern exists or why it is so prevalent.  By Nigel Hollis

American perceptions of economic opportunity [INTERACTIVE REPORT]

Explore Americans’ perceptions of present and future economic opportunity with the Economic Opportunity Index1. The index captures respondents’ sentiments about their own prospects and the country’s as a whole on a scale from most pessimistic (-5) to most optimistic (+5) and represents the average score by demographic group.

Find the story in the noise: comms professionals seek insights from data [REPORT]

Is data overload actively inhibiting insight and making it harder for comms professionals to find the story in the noise? Our recent study, ‘Five crucial steps to a smarter communications strategy,’ seeks to answer this and other questions… and unveils the vital strategies that empower brands to manage their reputations successfully.

Revealed: the top-ranking media channels and brands in 2021

After the severe decline in media investment in 2020, the ad industry has been encouraged by a rapid recovery in 2021, with advertising being used as one of the levers to fuel recovery. As consumer behaviour continues to evolve, and we emerge into a new media landscape, brands need to understand which consumer and marketer attitudes have changed, and which have stayed the same. Which media brands have retained their appeal, and which have grown stronger?

Cúspide 38 & 39 – 2021

Tras la posposición de la premiación correspondiente al año 2020, la Asociación Publicitaria de Puerto Rico otorgó los galardones a la creatividad en una ceremonia conjunta que cubrió dos años de trabajo creativo, que corresponden a sus ediciones 38 y 39. Durante el evento, la industria publicitaria reconoció los mejores trabajos, entre los que destacaron piezas que hicieron latente la importancia que tienen la creatividad y efectividad a la hora de proveer a los clientes y marcas soluciones para enfrentar los retos de un mercado cambiante y lleno de transformaciones.

Where Has All the Advertising Talent Gone?

There’s a disconnect in the ad industry. With the past year’s layoffs and restructuring, there should be no problem filling every empty job. And yet, over and over, I’m hearing from agencies that they can’t find the people they’re looking for. Many agencies that I’ve met recently have upwards of 150 open roles that they cannot fill. Why is this happening? Where’s the talent?

Hispanic Marketing Council: In honor of a friend and champion

How the Rise of Creative Effectiveness Affects Agency New Business

David Droga’s new role as CEO of Accenture Interactive has been a hot topic this week. While many wonder what it might mean for consultancies versus agencies, that may be a moot point as the two hire and acquire their way closer together. And it’s not what I find most interesting about Droga’s new position.  Droga’s ascension signals the increased valuation of creativity. If a business consultancy can put a creative in its #1 position, that says a lot about how it perceives creative’s value for its own business and clients.  By Mark Duval – The Duval Partnership

It’s Time For Our Industry To Declare #MeasurementIndependence

Here’s something we all know: advertising measurement is outdated. Just scroll through the media headlines and it’s impossible to avoid. An Olympics that saw both record consumer engagement and ratings declines. A high-profile dispute over box office numbers and streaming audiences. Or as the Media Rating Council’s Board considers Nielsen’s accreditation fate.  By Kelly Abcarian – EVP – Measurement & Impact, Advertising & Partnerships – NBCUniversal

It’s Time To Rethink The Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

And here we are once again near another Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM). Like in previous years, we can expect an uptick of campaigns targeting the Hispanic segment, coming from a wide range of brands, from those with a solid commitment to investing in the Hispanic segment to the ones that try to equate a once-a-year post on social media celebrating HHM to an entire Hispanic marketing strategy.  By Isaac Mizrahi / Co-President & COO of ALMA

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